I am hanging around the Busia/Uganda border, waiting for the rest of the passengers to board the bus and we head off to Nairobi, and an old familiar voice captures my ear, it’s a voice I detest, every time am using the border, a voice that annoys me so bad, that if they could do a blood pressure reading it might hit the mercury off. I board and sit in the bus, contemplating possible reactions to this loud beckoning. Which I finally adapt to and close my internal ears, choosing to zone off to my warm house in Nairobi. But the beckoning keeps taking up my mind and questions rivet in my head, as to why the government is not doing anything to sort out this impending catastrophe? Then I ask myself why I am not doing anything.
The sound comes with early hoots and blaring music in bouts, as though it’s a DJ session in a nightclub from a rusty amplifier. They are calling out clients to have a free full medical examination, which tests for diabetes, hypertension, cancer, erectile dysfunction, and any other abnormality in the body, except for HIV /AIDS. Then the annoying part then comes after a minute of some local music blaring from the voice speakers, The recorded informant repeatedly echoes the efficiency of the test as it does not need blood being drawn, all it needs is a placing of the right hand on the amazing imported gadget, which then scans the whole of your body for any viruses, bacteria’s, cancers, hypertension, diabetes and erectile dysfunctions all in five seconds.
Once the diagnosis is made the special doctor who is donned in a once was white dust coat writes up some prescription in a roughed up handwriting, which only he can read, the client will probably have been diagnosed of a urinary tract infection, fibroids, arthritis or asthma after the five minutes consultation. He then advices on the pharmacy of choice just behind his tent which is the middle of the small Busia town. Where one of the other team mates is ready with his drugs for sale. The registration fee will likely be 100 ksh, with the drugs costing up to 1000ksh.Which is still affordable for life threatening diagnosis.
I watch through the window of the bus in dismay as I see a long unattended queue of clients waiting on the bench outside the makeshift tent as they wait for the magical gadget to assess all their body problems, and thereafter get their lifetime problem sorted out. In my head I feel enraged and I want to forge out to rid off the deception trance there are under, and to awake them to the reality of scientific medicine, and direct them to the government institutions for great health, affordable, healthcare services, I look around for law enforcers, and from afar I see one making his afternoon stroll, and as I sit there I weigh within myself, the benefits of waking them up to a nightmare they might have succeeded to elude. So I sit waiting for eventual dissipation as I agree with myself to walk away after all I will soon be in Nairobi and this will be forgotten memory.


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